Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 5 and Some Revelations

We're on Day 5 of Rehab for TV-aholics and it is going well. Monday was a bit tough, as I had anticipated. Mondays always suck. Mady was used to Daddy being home and asked for him all day. I was very glad that we set the rules in place over the weekend so that I was already used to the routine.

I have realized that when I do not have the TV on I get bored more easily with just sitting around on the computer. So the house is a bit more tidy than usual. We've also gone on more walks to use up time in the afternoon. I got tired of the same music channel, so we listen to the toddler tunes channel too, which Mady seems to enjoy. I read more to her, and she is more attentive to my requests of her (like diaper changes, etc).

The tantrums were REALLY bad yesterday, but I think that it was due to boredom. So today I made sure to suggest activities when I saw her losing interest in her current one.

Overall I feel like I'm more tuned into the kids. I'm very pleased, and have found that I don't really miss most of what I watch. The mornings are the most difficult time for me. I'm used to watching the Golden Girls every morning and still miss that. But it is on later at night, so I've been watching one or two episodes after Mady goes to bed. It's perfect for me to watch while tidying up and getting Declan to sleep. It's kind of my reward to myself after a long day.

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