Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cooking with the Kid(s)

One of my favorite bloggers, Erin of Valley Girl Has Baby Goes Crunchy, is always posting pictures of her cooking/baking adventures with her daughter. Lucy isn't much older than Mady and Mady has been showing way more interest in watching what we're doing, so we gave it a try a few days ago. We baked some cookies for Easter and it was a hit!

Sneaking some sugar and chocolate chips:

Enjoying the rewards of all her hard work (chocolate first, of course):

I've made it a goal of mine now to include Mady whenever I am doing something that requires measuring out ingredients. On Monday she helped me mix up the marinade for our fajitas. (We use this marinade recipe, by the way). Tonight we are going to have Murphy's Hot Hamburgers tonight. I'm sure Mady will love helping me season the meat and make the fries!


  1. Ian (DS) loves to cook with us. I end up bringing a lot of stuff down to the floor for him to help with, and when I ask him if he wants to help, he quickly sits on the floor and (usually) patiently watches and waits to help. It is so sweet!

  2. D LOVES helping me bake. It calms him. When we're having a rough day I break out the ingredients and he pulls up his chair. =)
