Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 2 of Rehab for TV-aholics

We've been following our rules Saturday and Sunday and, I'm happy to say, things are going well. I feel like Mady has been more engaging and easier to deal with. She even helped pick up toys and books before bed tonight instead of zoning out in front of the TV. She loves music and so we spend most of the day listening to the music channels that the cable company provides. She has good taste in music ;).

I have been more likely to find productive ways to use my time. For instance, today I primed the ex-wallpapered parts of our guest bath. This project has been nearly 2 years in process and now we're so close to being done! The house isn't looking much cleaner; the kitchen is still cluttered and the living room is a bit of a mess, but it's better than it usually looks at the end of the weekend. I won't have to do too much tomorrow to get it looking tip-top. On the agenda this week is some spring cleaning Simple Mom style, and hopefully painting the bathroom.

After talking it over with Dave, we decided that TV doesn't have to be off limits after Mady is in bed at night. Last night I didn't even turn it on, and tonight I haven't been really paying attention, choosing that time to get chores done, like unloading/reloading the dishwasher and folding laundry. But it is nice to know that I can reward myself with some veg time at the end of a long day without any guilt whatsoever. I enjoy it more too.

Well, Declan is waking up for his next feeding soon, so I'm off to get some towels folded while I wait! I love productive days!

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